Other tournaments in Damp

May 3, 2021

Due to the Corona pandemic we unfortunately have to make some changes to the tournaments. But there is one good news: Two more tournaments will be added in Damp. So now you have the choice of three tournaments in Damp on the following dates: June 11 - 13, June 18 - 20 or June 25 - 27. We are happy that we can organize tournaments again this year and hope to see you there!

Other tournaments in Damp

May 3, 2021

Due to the Corona pandemic we unfortunately have to make some changes to the tournaments. But there is one good news: Two more tournaments will be added in Damp. So now you have the choice of three tournaments in Damp on the following dates: June 11 - 13, June 18 - 20 or June 25 - 27. We are happy that we can organize tournaments again this year and hope to see you there!
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